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I was working with a dataset of tens of millions of rows of data, which is using UUIDs as identifiers. UUID is not supported natively in Pandas. One option is to convert these to 128-bit integers, but those caused problems as they are not supported ...
"This presentation cannot be edited because it contains one or more read-only embedded (restricted) fonts. To edit the presentation you must remove the restricted fonts, or you can open the presentation as read-only."...
I finally got around to move this blog from Wordpress to more modern solution. This has been a long time in making. I ended up using Astro as the framework. With little bit of help from, the framework for the blog was ready in no time....
Azure AD user had been initially created with a typo on his name. All the attributes had since then been fixed or so it looked like....
I was building a simple tool to automate some uploads to Azure Blob Storage in Azure Functions. Decided to use PowerShell for that, since well, sounds like a job for PowerShell!...